Exhibition STOP INVASIONS !"



RIVEO presents a new exhibition… STOP INVASIONS!

An exhibition which tells the short, or long, story of IAS. In other words, Invasive Alien Species…

What are IAS?

Behind these three letters hides the raccoon, the Himalayan balsam as well as the Egyptian goose… among many others on the ever-lengthening list!
These species have often arrived here due to us and our human activities. We use them for business, we farm them, we board them onto boats (often unknowingly) and even carry them in our suitcases… That is all that is needed for them to invade us and bring about the decline of biodiversity. Today they are more and more numerous, and they proliferate in our environment in complete impunity, to the detriment of our native species.

We can improve things by becoming aware of the problem and by taking action!

Follow the guide…

There are full explanations of IAS in an educational and fun way in our seven spaces. After immersing you in the environment, from the riverbanks all the way down to the bottoms of the riverbeds, and passing through riparian woodlands, the visit propels you into our natural world and the various foreseeable scenarios. It then pragmatically and practically presents the control measures taken by the authorities as well as those measure each one of us should take, at home, to limit the proliferation of these invasive species. Invasive rodents, plants, fish, shellfish … are all in the spotlight!  But we, as human beings, are at the heart of the action and the problem! Fighting back is easier than you may imagine.


The exhibition has been meticulously prepared, with attractive décor, and multiple games and fun media for children.

The RIVEO team were responsible for producing the exhibition, with the valuable support of a few partners. One such was the Interdepartmental Cell for Invasive Species (Cellule interdépartementale Espèces invasives (CiEi)) of the SPW-ARNE, who were particularly helpful in checking the texts RIVEO then published, in a way for everyone – both young and old – to understand.

On the mark!

The exhibition could not be held at a better time! 2024 is a landmark year and will put a spotlight on IAS. On Thursday 11 April 2024, the SPWARNE (Walloon Public Service for Agriculture, Natural Resources, and the Environment) launched their broad public awareness-raising campaign, 'Stop Invasive Alien Species' in Wallonia. https://stopenvahissantes.be/home.html

 In its wake, RIVEO will do everything possible to strengthen this message and contribute to educating the wider public about this problem. The exhibition is the main feature.


From 16 February 2024 to 3 January 2027
Info: RIVEO asbl – Rue Haute 4 – 6990 Hotton
084/41 35 71 - info@riveo.be - www.riveo.be 